Based on Splash!
Splash! is a decentralized network for sharing Offers across the Chia ecosystem. dexie is a Splash! peer and indexer, meaning all offers submitted to dexie are broadcasted to the Splash! network and vice versa.
The Splash! network is open to everyone, and all connected peers receive offers broadcasted from other peers. There is no centralized connection; peers connect to each other and are aware of each other, enabling true peer-to-peer DeFi. It also provides privacy, as it is difficult to trace where an offer in the network originated.
To connect to the Splash! network, you need to run a Splash! node. Visit the Splash! GitHub repository for more information.
Download Splash!
Splash! runs on the command line. Build it yourself or download the latest pre-built binary for your operating system below.
Splash! Network Stats
Become a Stable Peer
If you run a permanent node, it is recommended that you become a stable peer. This requires opening an inbound port in your firewall. Then, start your node with the --listen-address option, specifying your public interface and the selected port (e.g., 11511).
./splash --listen-address /ip6/2001:db8::1/tcp/11511 --listen-address /ip4/ If you run Splash behind a NAT, make sure to forward the port to your local IP and listen on that local IP. Splash will detect and announce your external IP accordingly.