Combined Offers

dexie can combine multiple offers and submit them in a single transaction. Combined offers make it easy to trade larger amounts and it can save time and transaction fees by not having to take each offer individually. To combine offers, select the checkboxes in front of each offer, use the sweep function in the trade tab or use the combined swap.

Combined Swap

The combined swap feature additionally pulls liquidity from AMMs and potentially other sources, which allows for the exchange of any amount, not bound by existing offers. By aggregating liquidity, it can often provide a better price with a reduced price impact compared to relying on a single source of liquidity, especially for larger swaps.
Current Liquidity Sources and Fees:
  • Combined Offers (1% dexie Treasury Fee)
  • TibetSwap AMM (1% Fee comprised of 0.7% TibetSwap LP Fee, 0.15% TibetSwap Dev Donation, 0.15% dexie Treasury Fee)
Read more about Combined Swap in our Blog


Combined offers include a 1% combination fee, which goes directly into dexies treasury and is in part used for operating expenses. The treasury is owned by the community and DBX holders decide how to utilize accumulated fees by voting in governance (TBA).


Offers which either offer the same input coin or request the exact same amount to the same destination address can not be combined. Combine will only include the first (best) offer in that case. Market makers (offer creators) should therefore make sure to use distinct destination addresses, which the Chia Wallet does by default (reuse_public_key_for_change = false). An alternative is to request slightly different amounts to the same destination address for multiple offers within the same pair.

DBXDBX Incentives for Market Makers

Read more about the Liquidity Incentive Program.


While trying its best, dexie can not guarantee that a combined offer results in the actual best price across a trading pair due to fees and slippage. Always verify the final price.
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